jueves, 26 de junio de 2008

Chile, El superagente Smart en lo alto de la taquilla

El avanzado estreno de las renovadas aventuras del Agente 086 despertó el interés de los espectadores chilenos situandola como la más vista en el último fin de semana.

Chile Box Office - June 19–22, 2008
TW LW Movie Studio Weekend Gross Change Screens Gross-to-Date Week
1 N Get Smart WB $192,453 - 48 $192,453 1
2 1 The Happening Fox $171,668 -23.0% 43 $476,416 2
3 2 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Disney $107,504 -16.9% 42 $2,063,380 6
4 3 The Incredible Hulk UIP $80,949 -35.3% 45 $253,693 2
5 4 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull UIP $48,947 -39.1% 34 $1,304,079 5
6 5 What Happens in Vegas Fox $29,980 -32.2% 17 $335,805 4
7 6 21 Sony $22,806 -27.0% 14 $146,674 3
8 7 El Orfanato (The Orphanage) CDI $20,838 -19.7% 16 $635,136 8
9 8 Away from Her Bazuca $18,107 -17.9% 6 $88,122 3
10 N The Hunting Party Bazuca $15,000 - 15 $15,000 1

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